Garden Story

Indie Game: Garden Story

"As the newly appointed village guardian, explore ways to help those around you. Garden Story is a Social Simulator/Adventure RPG that emphasizes helping the community. Traverse a broken island, protect its inhabitants, and solve mysteries while making friends with a fruity cast of characters.

Thematically, Garden Story encourages stewardship of your community, and its adventures are centered around helping those around you and working together towards a common goal. Nothing is accomplished alone.

Garden Story is an Action-RPG, but the action isn’t isolated to combat. Gardening, building, fixing are given equal attention and reward. Picogram wants to highlight honest work and showcase the importance of coming together when times get tough.

These themes, combined with Picogram’s distinctive pixel art style, help cultivate an environment for players to navigate the challenges and rewards of community involvement. With unique towns and characters, Picogram hopes to provide an environment that players can call a home away from home.

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More Developer Info
Picogram (developer) first began developing Garden Story in March 2018 and signed with publisher Rose CIty Games in June 2019, allowing them to begin full-time work on the game. While Picogram previously participated in game jams to create titles like P.E. Noire and goodbye, doggy, this is their first full commercial title.

Rose City Games (publisher) is an independent game studio based in Portland, OR founded by community organizers Will Lewis and Corey Warning.

Country: United States
Team Count: 5
State: Planned for 2021
Platforms: PC (Windows) & Switch
Mode: Single-player

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